For over half a century, companies have relied on television, radio, print advertisement, and billboards to get the word out. Discover why these tried and true methods still work well today.
We make it easy to neutralize your competition. Let's rock 'n roll.
A picture is worth a thousand words, but a great website is worth a million bucks. Well, metaphorically at least. At Zeppelin, we want to go the extra mile to ensure that your business or service puts the best foot forward. We cut out the riff-raff, we slice through the techno-babble, and bring you great websites that your customers and prospects will love. Period.

Traditional Media
The Evolution of Television Proves It's More Relevant Than Ever.
Your business relies on a variety of marketing and advertising methods to reach potential customers and leads. Over time, the marketing methods you use have likely evolved, changed, or even been retired and replaced with new ones.
However, as the needs and expectations of consumers evolve, marketing has no choice but to evolve as well. This is what has led to the rise of new media and digital marketing methods. Its not a onesize fits all approach, let the Zeppelin agency show you whats right for your company.

Since replacing radio as the most popular mass medium in the 1950s, television has played such an integral role in modern life that, for some, it is difficult to imagine being without it. Both reflecting and shaping cultural values, television has at times been criticized for its alleged negative influences on children and young people and at other times lauded for its ability to create a common experience for all its viewers. Major world events such as the John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations and the Vietnam War in the 1960s, the Challenger shuttle explosion in 1986, the 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, and the impact and aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 have all played out on television, uniting millions of people in shared tragedy and hope. Today, as Internet technology and satellite broadcasting change the way people watch television, the medium continues to evolve, solidifying its position as one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.
Despite the increasing popularity of over-the-top (OTT) video ads and streaming services, television remains predominant because of its unparalleled reach and staying power. If you’re not using TV advertising as an asset for your business, you’re neglecting millions of viewers who may not see you as easily on other platforms. One compelling reason to incorporate a TV advertising strategy today is that more people are watching than ever before. There are currently over 120.6 million Tv=V households in the U.S., and that number is rising. In addition to the growing number of TV homes, it’s possible to reach millions of people in every demographic. Although TV is seeing an aging viewership, younger audiences are also watching more TV which is mainly due in part to the changes that came with the pandemic in 2020. The younger audiences are watching streaming platforms like YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc but this shift hasn’t negatively impacted television viewership. On the contrary, the popularity of TV has remained steady and withstood the test of time.
Radio. An Inexpensive Means To Reach The Masses.
Your business relies on a variety of marketing and advertising methods to reach potential customers and leads. Over time, the marketing methods you use have likely evolved, changed, or even been retired and replaced with new ones.
However, as the needs and expectations of consumers evolve, marketing has no choice but to evolve as well. This is what has led to the rise of new media and digital marketing methods. Its not a onesize fits all approach, let the Zeppelin agency show you whats right for your company.
Despite all the changes in the last decade in how Americans access music, AM/FM radio is still the most cost-effective advertising medium today. It’s an inexpensive way to reach your existing and potential customers. There are three big variables you want to control when scheduling radio ads: reach, frequency, and consistency. Reach is the number of different people who hear a radio commercial. Frequency is the number of times your ad is heard by the average person over the course of a week. How often are you sharing your message with the target audience? Be selective in targeting because you don’t have to reach everyone. Everyone isn’t your potential customer. Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s time to build frequency. The time-of-day you run your commercials will play a major role in how much frequency you can afford per station. Creating brand consistency creates brand loyalty; branding is just about as equally important as the product itself. No other medium can reach such a broad cross section of potential customers at an inexpensive rate as radio can.

Unlock A Multitude of Possibilities With Outdoor Advertising.

Looking to reach a broad audience and gain brand recognition? Think outdoor advertisements! An in your face form of advertising, a good outdoor ad can win you new customers and increase your ROI. The best measure of advertising efficacy is ROI, and on this front, outdoor advertising delivers impressive results. According to a report from the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OOOA), every dollar spent on OOH marketing in 2019 brought in $5.97 in net sales. Just how effective is outdoor advertising, you ask? Well, effective enough to warrant restaurant giant Cracker Barrel spending 49% of its advertising budget on outdoor signage and ads Considering the brand pulled in more than $3 billion in revenue in 2019 and has over 650 locations, they’re a testament to the efficacy of good, old-fashioned OOH advertisements. With the majority of advertising efforts taking place online, people often perceive outdoor marketing , or out-of-home advertising methods (OOH), as outdated. However, outdoor marketing is still a powerful tool in the marketing tool belt and is huge for brand awareness.

Whether you travel by car, bike, foot, or mass transit, you are exposed to ads every single day! No matter what the scenery, ads stand out and immediately gain attention. It’s also an affordable way to open up your business to the broadest audience you can. Billboards or other outdoor ads will reach a broad audience, it also helps you gain new customers that, in turn, can improve revenue. Take a look around, and you’ll see that advertising is everywhere! Whether it’s on a billboard, park bench, or the side of a bus — you have options. The first thing to consider is location. Outdoor ads do best when placed near your place of business. If you are in a metro area, placing an advertisement on the side of a bus can gain you visibility and reach.
Advertising outdoors can increase your brand recognition and with so many location options, you can strategically place ads where your desired customer base frequents. The general public travels to the same few places daily, making your name, logo and message quickly recognized to those around it. So if you want your brand to be a household name — think billboards. Looking to increase the results from your outdoor advertising? The experts at Zeppelin Agency can help.
Understanding The Power of Magazines To Press Releases.
Forming a bond between us and our clients is our number one goal. We want to step into your shoes and understand what your needs, goals, and desires are. This helps us to establish a clear direction for the path forward, because after all, proper planning is the key to perfect performance.
Our discovery process allows us to see if our services will be a great fit for your business. We’ll outline your competitive landscape to see what the best, and optimal plan of action will be. Scope and depth of research will vary from project to project, however the results are the same; valuable data and an intimate understanding. The more information gathered, the more prepared we will be to execute a campaign on target and on budget.
We develop a strategy that best fits our clients needs. Critical actions move a strategic plan from a document that sits on the shelf to actions that drive organizational growth. A strategic plan needs to be adaptive to survive changing or unanticipated conditions. An organization that develops and executes a strategic plan gains significantly from the experience. Starting with a working model and then building a tangible plan will make your organization successful.
Your marketing plan, just like your financial plan, must be monitored and adjusted as needed, and it must also be adaptable to changing competitive environments. The market looks very different today than it did two or three years ago. The marketing plans must change accordingly in order to capitalize on potential avenues of revenue.
In the construction phase we will first determine your objective, then perform a SWOT Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). We do not believe in a one size fits all approach. This is why we custom tailor our marketing plan to each client’s needs.
Understanding when and where to launch our clients campaigns is a vital part of the process. Strategy without execution is only theory. A great marketing plan helps you understand how each activity works in synergy with your other marketing activities as well as ensuring consistency throughout. The real key to success in marketing is the ability to execute – working each activity until you have attracted the attention you deserve.
Multiple Outlets Means Maximized Returns.
Social Media Channel Marketing
Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. This involves publishing great content on your social media profiles, listening to and engaging your followers, analyzing your results, and running social media advertisements.
The major social media platforms (at the moment) are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat
Search Engine Optimization
SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” In simple terms, it means the process of improving your site to increase its visibility when people search for products or services related to your business in Google, Bing, and other search engines. The better visibility your pages have in search results, the more likely you are to garner attention and attract prospective and existing customers to your business. Search engines such as Google use bots to crawl pages on the web, going from site to site, collecting information about those pages and putting them in an index.
Squeeze & Landing Page Development
A landing page is a web page that has been created as part of a digital marketing campaign with the precise purpose of achieving a conversion goal. It is the page that people arrive at (or “land on”) when they click on a link they have seen in an ad, an email or a social media post.A squeeze page is a type of landing page that has been designed with the specific goal of collecting the visitor’s name and email address. This can then be used as part of an email marketing campaign to reach out directly to potential customers with targeted messages.

Digital Marketing
Zeppelin Agency can springboard your brand via the effective implementation of social media marketing, search engine optimization, and spectacular website that convert your visitors to buyers.
It's Not Mysticism. It's Just SEO. Start Ranking Higher.
More often than not, the information you hear regarding SEO sounds more akin to techno-babble or snake oil salesman jargon. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Search Engine Optimization, when done effectively, combines multiple forms of digital marketing that, when merged, create a powerhouse of attention-grabbing “rankable” content. To put it simply, if you provide search engines with pertinent, high quality information, you will do well. What makes your brand’s content pertinent and high quality? Let’s take a look…

Optimization begins with your website. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have a well-designed, thoughtfully-developed website. Search engines DO pay attention to this. Speed, content, and sure… you’re “on page seo” does matter. What’s on-page SEO you may ask? In a nutshell, it is the details that tell search engines what your content is and why it is important to your target demographic.
For example… If you’re a business that sells Custom Residential Windows, and you wish to attract clients who want “Custom Residential Windows”, then you want your content to deliver information regarding “Custom Residential Windows”. Makes sense, right?
At Zeppelin Agency, we’re going to ensure that your customers and prospects see and hear the message you want them to see and hear. We’ll make sure that your message is not only understood by your prospective clients, but also understood by search engines.
This, when combined with Social Media Marketing, Business Listings, Pay-Per-Click Advertising and Targeted Web Pages means that your business will be more pertinent than ever.
Dominate The Local Marketplace With Highly Targeted Micro-Sites.

You’ve heard of websites, but have you heard of micro-sites? Well, the name is just as it sounds. Micro Sites, in a nutshell (no pun intended) are simple, streamlined websites that act as conduits for your leads to funnel through in order for you or your primary website to convert into paying clients.
For example, let’s say you run a furniture company and you have a very sizable inventory of many products. From rugs to couches, from easy chairs to end tables, your store has it all – and your ecommerce website is packed full of products. What if you simply want to run a highly effective social media or pay-per-click campaign ONLY for your line of leather recliners you want to push out the door… what do you do?

Well, we’d create a series of webpages SPECIFICALLY for your leather recliners. As we will be advertising specifically to people seeking leather recliners, we want to ensure that when they click on your ad, they see ONLY what they’re looking for. It’s simple. Concise. Clear, and direct to the point. Your conversion rates will increase and your brand footprint will expand. It’s a win-win with micro-sites.
This is the beauty of micro-sites. Highly targeted, very scaleable, and extremely trackable.
The Most Straight Forward Way To Drive Targeted Traffic.
What’s your monthly budget to run ads? You’ve all been asked that before, and now we’re going to shed some light on why. While many social media channels offer advertising, and we often take advantage of that, when taking into consideration search engine marketing (such as Google Ads) it’s important to note why budget matters…
“Zeppelin Agency can streamline your advertising results to provide optimal returns for your business or service. Our goal is to effectively identify your cost-per-customer so you know exactly how much you’re willing to spend to bring someone through your door.”
Interestingly enough, when running ads, metrics are very important. Each ad focusses on a particular key word or a phrase that has your targeted key words (i.e. “Condos For Sale In Cancun”, if you’re offering condos for sale in Cancun and are trying to reach people who are searching for condos for sale in Cancun). That key word will have a cost of advertising associated with it – also called a cost-per-click.
This is exactly as it sounds… for every person that clicks on your ad, you will be paying for that. We have the ability, by finely tuning the advertisment(s)’ targeting towards specific demographic areas, to reduce your cost per click. It’s all about learning what your average cost per customer will wind up being. Stabilization and scaleability is the key.
The great part is, with such fine-tuning, consistent oversight, and persistent adjusting of targeting and wording, your ad will convert more viewers into “clicks” and thus you’ll be rewarded by Google by reduced click costs.
This is due to the fact that your ad is seen by Google as being more pertinent than a competitors ad, because more people who view it click on it. In a nutshell, the careful split-testing of ads, and the skill of knowing what metrics to adjust, when, and why, is paramount. This is what we at Zeppelin Agency do best when it comes to pay-per-click advertising.
Your Reputation Precedes You. Is It What You Want It To Be?
Imagine for a moment that you’ve just acquired a business with a not-so-great image… or maybe your business had some issues in the past that show up in search results.
Often times, it’s important that the first thing people see when searching for you, your business, service, or brand is something positive… not negative! This is where reputation management comes into play.
Reputation management is the art and skill of taking what is predominantly not-so-impressive about your business or service, and “pushing” it backwards – further inward – on the search results so that most people don’t take notice of it. This is done via a combination of marketing strategies all implemented simultaneously.
When implemented properly reputation management is not only highly effective for reducing visibility of negative results (or “offsetting” to use a more fitting term) but also works just as well in creating broad visibility of a business, service, brand, or person even if there are no negative search results needed to offset.
Get The Word Out
Incredible websites that your clients & prospects will love.
Let’s face it. There are a multitude of “‘do-it-yourself” web template builders that you can get your hands on nowadays. They’re cheap, convoluted, fraught with time-consuming learning curves, and lacking the support you need to move forward with your business, brand, or service effectively. There’s a better way. That’s why we’re here.
Zeppelin Agency has mastered the art of storytelling – not just in a person-to-person manner, but through the creative use of various digital outlets. Your website should be no different. What’s the first thing people do when they learn of you or your product? They look you up. What do you want your prospects to find? The choice is yours.
We make it simple to share your brand with target audiences.
World-Class website development with a process that is so simple, you'll wonder why you ever looked elsewhere for service.